Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Accede- agree to a demand
              I accede when I am given a chore
brandish- wave or flourish
                the trees brandish in the air
comprise- be made up of
                 water battles are comprised of plastic
deft- neatly skillful and quick in one's movement
        ninja's are really deft
destitute-without the basic necessities of life
               corpses are destitute.
explicit-  stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
              writers explicit everything in books
extirpate- root out and destroy completely.
                people extirpate trees all the time.
inopportune- occurring at a inappropriate time
                     people that drink start fights inopportune all the time
ironic- happening in the opposite way to what expected, and typically causing why amusement because of this.
           its ironic when a tow truck gets towed.
musty- having a stale, moldy, or damp smell.
            mold has a musty smell
officious- assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way
                cop are really officious.
ominous- giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening ; inauspicious
               when people are going to throw up they look ominous
pinnacle- a high, pointed piece of rock
               he had reached the pinnacle of his career
premeditate- think out of plan beforehand.
                     I was convicted of premeditated murder
rampant- flourishing or spreading unchecked
               political violence was rampant
solace- comfort or consolation in a time of distressed or sadness
            she sought solace in her religion
stately- having a dignified, unhurried, and grand manner; majestic in manner and appearance
             his tall and stately wife
supple- bending and moving easily and gracefully
              my mind is becoming more supple
suppress- forcibly put an end to
               the uprising was savagely suppressed
venal- showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery
          their generosity had at least partly venal.

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