Thursday, September 19, 2013

Vocab #5

Adroit- clever or skillful in using the hands or mind.
            I train and study thing I'm interested in so I can become adroit
Amicable- having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor
Averse- having a strong dislike of or opposition to something
             me and my grandma have averse conversation
Belligerent- hostile or aggressive
                    I get really belligerent when someone touches my stuff
Benevolent- well meaning and kindly
                    people think I'm really benevolent
Cursory- hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed
               I do not provide a lot of cursory
Duplicity- double-dealing
                  I duplicity a lot
Extol- praise enthusiastically
          I extol my iPhone
Feasible- possible to do easily or conveniently
               it is feasible if you try
Grimace- an ugly, twisted expression  on a persons face
                why do you have a Grimace on your face
Holocaust- destruction or slaughter on a mass scale
                   I created my own ant holocaust
Impervious- not allowing fluid to pass through
                    I'm impervious to everything
Impetus- the force or energy with which a body moves
               I have a lot of impetus
Jeopardy- danger of loss, harm, or failure
                 I  hate when Im in jeopardy
Meticulous- showing great attention to detail
                    some kids are meticulous while writing stories
Nostalgia- wistful affection for the past
                  I am not nostalgia
Quintessence- the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
                       I have the most quintessence of water
Retrogress- go back to an earlier state
                   I wish I can have the retrogress
 scrutinize- examine or inspect closely and thoroughly
                   I scrutinize when I get done welding
Tepid- only slightly warm; lukewarm
            my coffee is tepid

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