Monday, October 21, 2013

Activity 15: Making Predictions and Asking Questions

1. What topics related to the issue of how society values life do you think Ebert might have talked about in his interview?

   The values of life in Eberts interview about how he had to make some difficult decision I his life for instance. Doctors could have gave Eberts a surgery to let him talk again but he made the decision to not talk. The text reminded me of Hamlets to be or not to be text, because he had to make the decision to kill someone to become super wealthy but living with the regret of killing someone or not killing someone that would make his life terrible. 

2. Do you think Elbert's claim about the value of life will agree with hamlet's or not?

   I feel like Elbert's claim would not be as drastic as hamlet's because hamlet had to choose whether he wanted a wealthy life or a poor life, to kill a man or not to kill a man. Where Elbert's was to basically make decisions that would influence his life in many different ways. Like for him to talk again or for him to get surgery to life for one more week. But he wouldn't live with the dread of killing someone to get where he was.  

Activity 14: Surveying the Text

1. What do you know about Roger             Ebert? 

 Roger Ebert is one of the best movie reviewers of his time. He also watch 281 movies in ten months in one of his favorite movie theaters, which was the Lake Street Screening Room. Roger Eberts have lost track of the surgeries he has undergone since the first one, for thyroid cancer, in 2002, followed by the one on his salivary glands in 2003. After that, they disagree about the numbers and dates.cancer, and had his jawbone removed. Chaz Ebert, Roger Ebert's wife kept a journal of all the time that they spent in the hospital. So Roger Ebert had to communicate with his hands by tapping his nails to get peoples attention or by writing letters in his Palms. Roger now uses his thumbs to communicate whether or not he is ok. Two thumbs up means, he is ok and two thumbs down, he needs his full time nurse. Roger wrote hundreds or thousands of reviews. But he wrote his last one on April 6, 2013 on the movie "To The Wonder". He died two days after he released the information on how the cancer has came back to his body. 

2. What kind of writing do you think it is? 
This writing to me, was how Roger Ebert battled cancer changed his life In many different ways. One being not being able to talk.

3. Do you notice anything interesting about the way this text looks?

 I noticed in this interview that there wasn't a question and awser format that interviews usually go by. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

vocab. #7

Cursory- hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.
              I feel some CURSORY when I try writing a essay
Impetus- the force or energy with which a body moves.
               There is a large IMPETUS when I push someone
pinnacle- A high, pointed piece of rock
                soon I will be at the pinnacle of my life
Contumely-insolent or insulting language or treatment
                  Sometimes I CONTUMELY when I mess up
Bereavement- be deprived of a love through a profound absence
                       I feel like I'm BEREAVEMENT when I go out of town
Cache- a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place
            I have a large CACHE of Gatorade in my room
Consummation- the point at which something is complete or finalized
                           there is a CONSUMMATION on my grades at the end of the semester
Calamity- an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress
                 there is a CALAMITY in Iraq
Avarice- extreme greed for wealth or material gain
               I have a AVARICE for money like most people in the world
Fortify- strengthen (a place) with defensive works so as to protect it against attack
             we have a FORTIFY in the  pentagon
Erratic- not even or regular in pattern or movement
             Dub step has an ERRATIC beat to it
ubiquitous- present, appearing, or found everywhere
                   there is a UBIQUITOUS of GTA posters
Fortitude-courage in pain or adversity
                there is a FORTITUDE when something you love breaks
nonchalant- feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxing
                    when I play video games I fell nonchalant
Affect- have an effect on
            I have an AFFECT on people when I first meet them
Effect- a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause
           when someone slaps me there is an EFFECT and I slap them back
Misappropriate- dishonestly or unfairly take (something ,esp. money, belonging to another) foe one's own use
                         it is MISAPPROPRIATE when bully's take money from littler kids
Pragmatic- dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather
                  cops are really PRAGMATIC when entering a rough situation
Metacognition- awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes
                         Doctors are really METACOGNITION
Devout- having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment
              I am really DEVOUT for Jesus.        

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Vocab #6

Adroit- clever or skillful in using the hands or mind.
            I train and study thing I'm interested in so I can become adroit
Amicable- having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor
Averse- having a strong dislike of or opposition to something
             me and my grandma have averse conversation
Belligerent- hostile or aggressive
                    I get really belligerent when someone touches my stuff
Benevolent- well meaning and kindly
                    people think I'm really benevolent
Cursory- hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed
               I do not provide a lot of cursory
Duplicity- double-dealing
                  I duplicity a lot
Extol- praise enthusiastically
          I extol my iPhone
Feasible- possible to do easily or conveniently
               it is feasible if you try
Grimace- an ugly, twisted expression  on a persons face
                why do you have a Grimace on your face
Holocaust- destruction or slaughter on a mass scale
                   I created my own ant holocaust
Impervious- not allowing fluid to pass through
                    I'm impervious to everything
Impetus- the force or energy with which a body moves
               I have a lot of impetus
Jeopardy- danger of loss, harm, or failure
                 I  hate when Im in jeopardy
Meticulous- showing great attention to detail
                    some kids are meticulous while writing stories
Nostalgia- wistful affection for the past
                  I am not nostalgia
Quintessence- the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
                       I have the most quintessence of water
Retrogress- go back to an earlier state
                   I wish I can have the retrogress
 scrutinize- examine or inspect closely and thoroughly
                   I scrutinize when I get done welding
Tepid- only slightly warm; lukewarm
            my coffee is tepid

Accede- agree to a demand
              I accede when I am given a chore
brandish- wave or flourish 
                the trees brandish in the air
comprise- be made up of
                 water battles are comprised of plastic
deft- neatly skillful and quick in one's movement
        ninja's are really deft
destitute-without the basic necessities of life
               corpses are destitute.
explicit-  stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
              writers explicit everything in books
extirpate- root out and destroy completely.
                people extirpate trees all the time.
inopportune- occurring at a inappropriate time
                     people that drink start fightsinopportune all the time
ironic- happening in the opposite way to what expected, and typically causing why amusement because of this.
           its ironic when a tow truck gets towed.
musty- having a stale, moldy, or damp smell.
            mold has a musty smell
officious- assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way
                cop are really officious.
ominous- giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening ; inauspicious
               when people are going to throw up they look ominous
pinnacle- a high, pointed piece of rock
               he had reached the pinnacle of his career
premeditate- think out of plan beforehand.
                     I was convicted ofpremeditated murder
rampant- flourishing or spreading unchecked
               political violence was rampant
solace- comfort or consolation in a time of distressed or sadness
            she sought solace in her religion
stately- having a dignified, unhurried, and grand manner; majestic in manner and appearance
             his tall and stately wife
supple- bending and moving easily and gracefully
              my mind is becoming moresupple
suppress- forcibly put an end to
               the uprising was savagelysuppressed
venal- showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery
          their generosity had at least partlyvenal.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Vocab #5

Adroit- clever or skillful in using the hands or mind.
            I train and study thing I'm interested in so I can become adroit
Amicable- having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor
Averse- having a strong dislike of or opposition to something
             me and my grandma have averse conversation
Belligerent- hostile or aggressive
                    I get really belligerent when someone touches my stuff
Benevolent- well meaning and kindly
                    people think I'm really benevolent
Cursory- hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed
               I do not provide a lot of cursory
Duplicity- double-dealing
                  I duplicity a lot
Extol- praise enthusiastically
          I extol my iPhone
Feasible- possible to do easily or conveniently
               it is feasible if you try
Grimace- an ugly, twisted expression  on a persons face
                why do you have a Grimace on your face
Holocaust- destruction or slaughter on a mass scale
                   I created my own ant holocaust
Impervious- not allowing fluid to pass through
                    I'm impervious to everything
Impetus- the force or energy with which a body moves
               I have a lot of impetus
Jeopardy- danger of loss, harm, or failure
                 I  hate when Im in jeopardy
Meticulous- showing great attention to detail
                    some kids are meticulous while writing stories
Nostalgia- wistful affection for the past
                  I am not nostalgia
Quintessence- the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
                       I have the most quintessence of water
Retrogress- go back to an earlier state
                   I wish I can have the retrogress
 scrutinize- examine or inspect closely and thoroughly
                   I scrutinize when I get done welding
Tepid- only slightly warm; lukewarm
            my coffee is tepid

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

prep for the future

I  am trying to prepare for the future by trying to get in shape for the ARMY. also I would be trying to get a high score on the ASVAB so I am studying for it. that is what I'm basically do prepare for the army


Accede- agree to a demand
              I accede when I am given a chore
brandish- wave or flourish
                the trees brandish in the air
comprise- be made up of
                 water battles are comprised of plastic
deft- neatly skillful and quick in one's movement
        ninja's are really deft
destitute-without the basic necessities of life
               corpses are destitute.
explicit-  stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
              writers explicit everything in books
extirpate- root out and destroy completely.
                people extirpate trees all the time.
inopportune- occurring at a inappropriate time
                     people that drink start fights inopportune all the time
ironic- happening in the opposite way to what expected, and typically causing why amusement because of this.
           its ironic when a tow truck gets towed.
musty- having a stale, moldy, or damp smell.
            mold has a musty smell
officious- assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way
                cop are really officious.
ominous- giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening ; inauspicious
               when people are going to throw up they look ominous
pinnacle- a high, pointed piece of rock
               he had reached the pinnacle of his career
premeditate- think out of plan beforehand.
                     I was convicted of premeditated murder
rampant- flourishing or spreading unchecked
               political violence was rampant
solace- comfort or consolation in a time of distressed or sadness
            she sought solace in her religion
stately- having a dignified, unhurried, and grand manner; majestic in manner and appearance
             his tall and stately wife
supple- bending and moving easily and gracefully
              my mind is becoming more supple
suppress- forcibly put an end to
               the uprising was savagely suppressed
venal- showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery
          their generosity had at least partly venal.

this is phat!


I believe that obesity is not a disease because people have the choice whether to keep on eating after they are full or even eating when they are not hungry. But for some cases where people have a low metabolism then they have a reason to be over weight, but they also have the decision to eat right and stay in a good shape.  

Do you have the right to your own opinion?

Do you have the right to your own opinion? I feel that we all have the right to  our own opinion, but to what extent? if you have a job and boss doesn't care what you are saying, so are you just going to say I have the right to my opinion. does that mean he has to care what you have to say. Well now he doesn't because he runs the company and can do what he wants.

5 go to sources for non-fiction

2. buy a book
3.find a book at your house
4.go to the library
5. ask a family member for a book


MY BIG QUESTION is there a greater form of life in the universe?

It's all latin to me

the translation of dimidium facti qui coepit habet: sapere aude, incipe to who has begun: dare to be wise, begin. I can explain this relevant to this class by when you start this course, try and step to a new level of  greatness.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Vocabulary #3

accomplice- a person who helps another commit a crime
I was an accomplice to a store robbery and I got charged with robbery

annihilate- destroy
every time I try annihilate something I fail

arbitrary- based on a random choice over a reason.
I arbitrary a phone even though I had an iPhone for over 5 years

brazen- to be bold without shame
you have to be brazen when doing crazy stuff in front of people

catalyst- an event or person causing a change
my uncle saw a  catalyst and he was a different man

exodus- mass departure of people
there was a exodus after the riot

facilitate- to make something easy
I try to facilitate my sisters homework when she doesn't know how to it

incorrigible- unable to be correct
my grandma always think she is incorrigible

militant- combative in support of a political or social cause
a lot of people are militant for different occasions

morose- in a down mood
my friend was really in a morose

opaque- not transparent
my windows are opaque

paramount- more important than anything else
I feel paramount a lot

prattle- talking meaninglessly
some teachers prattle and prattle on

rebut- to prove evidence false
I like to rebut when I get in trouble for something.
reprimand- lecture
I reprimand when I try and teach someone something

servitude-being a slave
I feel in servitude when I have to do chores

slapdash- done carelessly
I do a lot of thing slapdash when I'm feeling lazy

stagnant- showing no signs of progress
the kids that don't do anything are really stagnant.

succumb- unable to resist
something's I do are really succumbed 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

vocabulary: fall #1

Expository: intended to explain or describe something.
                   I gave a brief expository to the cops of what the suspects look like.
Composition: The action of putting things together
                       I don't like composition.
 Assuage: Make an unpleasant feeling less intense
                After I saw my friend jump off the plain I felt very assuage and so I jumped.
 Decadence: A moral or cultural decline, esp. after a peak of achievement
                    I decadence after I didn't earn the trophy the right way
 Hackneyed: Lacking significance through having been overused
                    some word that people use a really hackneyed.
 Coalition: An alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of political parties                           forming a government or of states
                  I started a coalition after the president stared to be a dictator. 
 Transcend: Go beyond the range of limits
                    I train so I can transcend while being compared to other players.
 Meritorious: Deserving reward or praise
                      I felt very meritorious after saving a life.
 Lurid: Very vivid in color
            The world is very lurid.
 Petulant: Childishly sulky or bad-tempered
                the child was acting really petulant when he was not getting his was.